These People Wore the Worst Dresses in the World and There's No Forgiving That
3.What Kind of Black Magic Is At Work Here?
WHAT? What the devil is happening here? Where had the hands disappeared to? Why have the middle of the dress two large oval holes? We find it incomprehensible; the structure of this garment has us completely bewildered and discombusted. Did they link the dress's base with the ends of the sleeves? Is that what is happening here? We right now want an explanation. Whatever they did to this clothing, it seems spooky as hell and radiates strong witchcraft, which we all support. Go forth sister, throw your strange black magic. The design challenges not only accepted fashion but also apparently accepted physics. This avant-garde work questions our knowledge of how clothes should interact and serve the human body. One could see the enigmatic building method used here as either a great breakthrough in pattern-making or a total rejection of sensible clothes design. This kind of outfit would probably leave even seasoned seamstresses perplexed wondering. Although experimental fashion has a place in stretching limits and questioning conventions, this particular piece seems to have pushed way past wearability into the field of pure creative expression.